Christ Ahnsahnghong Passover WMSCOG

Life of Peter, or Life of Judas ?

The World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) was originally established by Ahnsahnghong in 1964 and testifies all the truths of the new covenant set by an example of Christ 2000 years ago. As written in the Bible, only those who keep the new covenant are entitled to become the children of God and God is to become their God. [Jer. 31:31~33] Then, are you a true child of God?

Members of the the World Mission Society Church of God follow the example of Christ like apostle Peter did.

Spiritually saying,there are two kinds of people on earth. Some are used in the work of salvation and go to heaven like Peter the others are used in the work of destruction and go to hell like Judas. There is no in between.

Peter and Judas,in the beginning, their lives for the gospel work seemed alike, however, as all we know, their ends were extremely different. When Peter committed a sin to deny Jesus, he soon repented of what had done and chose to work even harder for the gospel work for the rest of his life. So he is now regarded  as a great gospel worker who received the keys of kingdom of heaven from God [Mt 16:19]

On the other hand, Judas’ choice was different from Peter’s, instead of repent of what had done( Judas plotted with the Jewish leaders to hand Jesus over for the thirty pieces of silver), he chose to kill himself due to guilt and committed a sin again by doing so. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess where he is now.

“It would be better for him if he had not been born.”[Mk 16:19], even Jesus said about him like this.

The WMSCOG follows all the feasts and regulations of Early Church established by Jesus.
The WMSCOG follows New Covenant , the way of Early Church established by Jesus.

Depending on each one’s choice, their ends were extremely different. Today, the situation is the same as before. There will be many trials in life of our faith. However, no matter what happens, we should stand firm in the faith to the end without surrendering to any circumstances.

What should we learn from these two cases?

Do you want to live for the pleasure of the moment that disappears soon, like Judas? or for the eternal pleasure to come that lasts forever, like Peter?  Of course, most of people may choose the later. However, the important thing that we should consider is to put our choice into practice.

Life of Peter wasn’t that easy. However, no matter how difficult the life is for now, we should endure all the trials and sufferings ,not for long but for short, then we will get the crown of life and eternal pleasure prearranged by God at the end.


A narrow gate to Elohim God, Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother.

Romans 8:16-18 NIV [ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.Now if we are children, then we are heirs–heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.]

The verse above lifts up my spirit !

Thank to Elohim God; Father and Mother for giving me the right to become children of God.

All members of the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG) are the ministers of a new covenant . The ministers of new covenant are children of Elohim God.


Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother Truth WMSCOG

[Rochdale News ] World Mission Society Church of God receive award _WMSCOG

The World Mission Society Church of God have received an award for voluntary service from Mayor Councillor Peter Ruch_WMSCOG

Date published: 12 September 2013


The World Mission Society Church of God have received an award for voluntary service from Mayor Councillor Peter Rush. 80 members of the society attended the award ceremony on 6 September at Rochdale Town Hall.

The World Mission Society Church of God has been doing various volunteer work throughout Rochdale, including clean up campaigns and providing entertainment to residents in local care homes. The group also continues to support the local blood drive.

Through their volunteer work, the group wants to inform people of the seriousness of environmental issues.

 The  WMSCOG is the true church which was established by Christ Ahnsahnghong(the 2nd Coming Christ) came in the flesh according to all the prophecies of the Bible. And Following the example of Heavenly Mother(God the Mother), who is the Love for its own sake , the members of WMSCOG (World Mission Society Church of God) are eager to lend a helping hand when needed and are looking forward to participating more frequently  all over the world.  God Bless U~ 😉 !!

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Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother Passover WMSCOG

[Mexico News] World Mission Society Church of God participate in Cleanup Campaign in TOLUCA_WMSCOG

Press :  La Prensa Newspaper                                         Published on Mar 12, 2012

Around 150 members from the World Mission Society Church of God participated in the clean-up campaign today on March 11th in Toluca, Mexico. According to the Church, the campaign was carried out simultaneously in 150 countries around the world to the purpose of protect environment and preparing the Passover scheduled on April 5th in 2012.
One-day clean-up campaign was carried out in Benito Juarez market and empty lot in Toluca. As a center base of Mexico City’s commercial operations, this place is where tons of garbage and organic wastes are accumulated with lots of people commuting to make a purchase every weekend.
By leading of missionary groups of Church of God who came from Korea, the home of this denomination, the volunteers made an effort to collect every waste they found in the site of around 2 hectare by forming a huge human chain.
In the same time zone when volunteers carried out the one-day clean-up campaign in Toluca, another members from the World Mission Society Church of God in other cities such as Veracruz, Tabasco, Chiaoas and Cancun also participated in the clean-up campaign in the rivers, beaches, and oceans. They contributed to the environment to its reversion before the state of the pollution.
Deacon Emmanuel Hernandez from Church of God in Mexico explained that the campaign is to prepare the upcoming Passover on April 5th in 2012, as a part of purifying and saving the earth. In addition, he said Passover is the day we should share the bread and the wine which represent the flesh and the blood of God by celebrating one of the God’s festivals that were kept among Jesus and His disciples.

157World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) believes in God the Father(Christ Ahnsahnghong) and God the Mother(Heavenly Mother; New Jerusalem) as our Saviors in this age of Holy Spirit.

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Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother WMSCOG

[Essay] Child’s Pain_God the Mother_WMSCOG

I received a call from my child’s school that she hurt her finger.

57I got that call during my doctor’s appointment.

As soon as I hung up, I postponed my appointment and frantically ran to her school.

Worrying about my child, I forgot how sick I was.

Before even asking how my child was, I hugged her and cried.

While getting her finger treated, she was in so much pain that she trembled her whole body and grabbed my hand tightly.

It was heart-rending.

53I wish I could be hurt instead of her, because it wasn’t easy for me to see my child in pain.

After I was relieved when her treatment was finished, I noticed that my whole body was all in sweat, and my face was covered with tears.

Wiping my trace of tears, I thought of my Heavenly Mother.

When I was in pain, Heavenly Mother must have felt much more pain than the pain that I had to go through.

I earnestly give thanks for Her infinite love.


How precious and great ! sacrifice of Heavenly Mother(God the Mother)….62

It is boundless, that it can’t be contained in the universe.

How can we fathom it?  We can’t measure it,….

We give You everlasting thanks

We(World Mission Society Church of God) believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong(Heavenly Father; the 2nd Coming Christ) and God the Mother(Heavenly Mother; New Jerusalem) as our Saviors(the Spirit and the Bride)a who came to this earth according to the all prophecies of the Bible in the age of Holy Spirit.

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Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother WMSCOG

[News] Cleaned up our community_World Mission Society Church of God_WMSCOG

Source :

Newspaper : Día a Día (Panama)                                                 Date : 2012-12-31

[Panama]  Cleaned up our community

panama1( Photo : The members are removing mattresses from mangrove forest.)

In commemoration of the Day of the New Jerusalem, around 50 members of the World Mission Society Church of God conducted a campaign to clean up the mangroves of Viejo, Panama yesterday. Along with volunteers from the National Environmental Authority, they collected all kinds of waste, from mattresses to tree trunks.

“We carried out this activity in order to contribute in some way to clean up the country, which is everyone’s responsibility,” said Rolando Allamby, spokesman of the Church of God. Rolando added, “Through the clean-up campaign, we removed a lot of waste entangled among mangroves. Such waste is possible to cause fish to be killed.”

Maria E. Gonzalez

I’m happy to work with cleaning up my country. It is our duty to help our neighbors.

Yitzeli Figueroa

I feel happy to help keep our planet clean. It is everyone’s duty to protect the environment.


World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother as our Saviors of this age of Holy Spirit.

Please refer to this video about the various activity below.

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Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother Passover WMSCOG

[News]The World Mission Society Church of God cleaned up Subhash Park_WMSCOG

Newspaper: Dainik Navjyoti                                       2012-12-31

[India] The World Mission Society Church of God cleaned up Subhash Park 



 [Picture] The members of the Society who joined the clean-up campaign at Subhash Park

On Sunday, the World Mission Society Church of God performed a clean-up campaign at Subhash Park.

“We carried out this campaign to have awareness of making and keeping our neighborhood clean, including our houses on Sunday,” said Niru Berry, a member of the Society. As part of such an effort, the members performed clean-up and picked up trash at Subhash Park.

Many members of the Church of God participated in this round of campaign, including Reka Lantom, Jessica Joseph and Nixon John. They said that the World Mission Society Church of God had been conducting various community services.


Christ Ahnsahnghong(the Second Coming Christ) restored the New Covenant Passover  as He prophesied and and led us to Heavenly Mother (God the Mother: New Jerusalem; our Spiritual Mother) to give us eternal life in this last age.

Heavenly Mother is the source of  living-water and She has come to this earth to save our souls in the flesh according to all prophecies of the Bible.

 Heavenly Mother taught us how to walk in the path of  Elohim God, who is “Love” . Following Her good example and teaching, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) are continuing to Share Heavenly Mother’s Love ” all over the world!

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God the Mother WMSCOG

[Essay]Even during times I forgot_God the Mother_WMSCOG

95Seven years ago, I came to Illinois to work as an intern.

That was about the time I had to graduate from high school.

Seeing new people in an unfamiliar environment surely frightened me.

And every time I had to go through that situation, it was my mom who comforted me the most.

Whenever I was in pain or had hard times, my heart felt much lighter after talking to her on the phone.

As many days have passed, and as I got used to the place, I hardly ever called her.

I rather was frustrated when she called me while I was hanging out with my friends.

I had my cellphone number changed, but because I considered her calls inattentively, I postponed telling my mom my new number.

55Then one day, I received a call.

“Hello? Who’s this?”

The person on the phone didn’t reply.

When I was about to hang up the phone, I heard a weeping sound.

“Who’s this? Who are you, and why are you crying on the phone?

“It’s your mom…”


I couldn’t possibly call her “mom.”

“Sweetie, do you know my heart was in my mouth? I thought something awful happened to you.”


66With a sobbing voice, she said she was so anxious because she thought something happened to me.

She even called my former dorm prefect, and asked my friends back in my high school, but no one knew my new number.

Asking here and there, she finally got my number and got me on the phone.

I couldn’t say anything because I was so sorry.

Even when I lived without a blink or qualm, forgetting all about her, my mom continuously worried thinking that I might have had an accident or was hospitalized.

Worrying about me, she couldn’t eat or sleep.

And when she managed to fall asleep, she always had nightmares.

Hearing her on the phone, I realized how mean and an immature daughter I was.

I was also a mean and an immature daughter to Heavenly Mother.

Living in this world, I turned away from Heavenly Mother and forgot all about Her, and made her worry extremely.

But She always prayed for me and waited for me to return.

I truly feel so sorry to Heavenly Mother.

I want to stop being a troublemaker and become Heavenly Mothers joyful daughter; who always listens to Her voice.


▶ Thanks to God the Mother who came in the flesh into this earth to give us eternal life with Your endless love and sacrifice .

Please refer to this UCC video below for details.

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God the Mother Truth WMSCOG

[Essay] Family _God the Mother_World Mission Society Church of God_WMSCOG

77  One day, I found someone who could only live as a recipient of organ transplant on TV.

Although most people desperately await organ donors with a faint hope, they are barely keeping their tough life day by day, for it is not easy to receive organs from others.

Those who give their organs to patients standing on the brink of death were mostly their family.

Only if the family could live healthily at their side, they did not even seek a reward for this.20

A wife said that she used to blame her husband when he did not make much money even in good health.

Now, since he got sick and there was nothing she could do for him, she finally decided to transplant her organ to him, hoping only he could recover soon.

From them, I could find much realization.

142  Our brothers and sisters in Zion(WMSCOG) are the spiritual ones who are given the flesh and the blood of God through Passover, who are now making a voyage in belief.

Then I started to think if I could willingly take some part of me to save my brothers who are in trouble and pain.

Born through the unconditional grace and love of God, we are surely essential parts of Heavenly Family who should accompany on the way back to our Heavenly Hometown. That way, there should be no need to hate and envy each other.

From now on, we should become the children of God, who could enter the kingdom of heaven by loving our brothers and sisters with true heart and mind.


78 ▶  In this last age of the Holy Spirit, Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother have already come in the flesh for us with the free gift of the water of life. World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) believes in Elohim God who give us eternal life and let us become the children of God through the New Covenant Passover in precious flesh and blood for our salvation.

Heavenly Father and Mother, thank You for coming to give us the forgiveness of sins to this earth from the bottom of her heart.

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Christ Ahnsahnghong God the Mother WMSCOG

[Essay]The Acrylic Board and the Cutting Mat _God the Mother_WMSCOG

Preparing for the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles, 42we all divided into teams to create invitations to be handed out to all families, acquaintances, and neighbors, for them to receive the water of life given freely by Heavenly Mother(God the Mother).

Seeing brothers and sisters cutting papers on top of an acrylic board and a cutting mat, the Overseer asked us a question.

  “What’s the difference between this acrylic board and the cutting mat?

We all simply answered that the material, the name, or the size, is different.

Then he said,

“Look at them carefully. They have been numerously cut with knives.

One of them seems to be damaged that we can even see with our own eyes, but you can’t see any damages on the other.

Don’t you think they resemble our hearts and our Mother‘s?”35


Though She has been hurt from numerous thorns of sins, Mother would never show how hurt She was…

She just bears and endures silently.

Even hearing small advises from our brothers and sisters we would show how hurt we are.

Our hearts are all full with faults.

That doesn’t mean that the cutting mat is undamaged.

If you look at it closely, there are small and deep cuts made to it.

But outwardly, it seems to be clean and undamaged.

I only considered my pain, just wanted to be served, and didn’t want to have a broad mind for my brothers and sisters.

Repenting for what I’ve committed, I made a resolution that I would be a child who bears and endures; resembling  Heavenly Mother.

41Considering the teachings for my salvation as a burden, I always complained, blamed, didn’t realize brothers’ and sisters’ consideration, and envied.

Didn’t endure nor gave thanks and just showed off my hardships just like the acrylic board.

With all of these, I scraped my Mother’s heart.

Despite of all what I have done, She still bears and embraces, the children all covered with thorns.

33 Mother…

I now want to be a child who resembles you.

The path of pain and sacrifice that you have walked, I also want to consider it to be the path that I must walk, and follow you with thanks.

With an arrogant mind, I would have never received the blessings of the Holy Spirit.

That is why Mother gave me a realization through this small routine.

I give earnest thanks to Heavenly Mother for allowing me this realization.

I want to be a child with a broad mind who can cover up even the faults of our brothers and sisters.

I love You Mother.

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